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How to create Inspections
How to create Inspections
Basman Abu Gazi avatar
Written by Basman Abu Gazi
Updated over a week ago

With Visitt you can easily schedule recurring inspections. In this tutorial we will go over how to set up a new inspection including setting the frequency, assigning users and selecting which spaces or equipment to inspect. Once set up, Visitt will automatically open the inspections at the right time and notify all assigned users. As managers, you will be able to track inspections in the 'Open Inspections' page under the 'Inspections' tab in Visitt.

​>> Check out this article on "How to manage open inspections"

How to create a new inspection steps :

1. Start by clicking "Inspections" on the sidebar and then "Manage Inspections" on the top bar. Once on that page, click "Add Inspection"

2. After clicking "Add Inspection" you will be able to create your inspection using this short 3-step process:

Step 1: Set the main information for the inspection including the name, frequency, and assigned users.


Step 2: Build your Inspection Tasks and Spaces. For each section, select the spaces where the inspection is taking place and create tasks including customizable input types whether it's text, numbers, multiple choice and more.


Step 3: If the inspection has multiple spaces, here you can arrange the order the inspection will take place. You have the ability to drag and drop assigned spaced to appear in your preferred order, creating an inspection that works the way you do.

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